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Unhinged Update - November 2023

Writer's picture: Candy CustardCandy Custard

November Already?

Hi! First of all thank you so much for your support and patience through this year. I really expected to be back to 'normal' by now, with filming, releases, generally being here and interacting etc... and I had soooo many hopes and dreams of filming with 2/3/4 models in scenes again. Unfortunately my mental health is still on shaky ground and I find myself still unable to get back to all the tasks and life in general that I had in mind.

Some of you may have followed how much I posted about 2022 being a terrible year. 2021 was awful too, and 2020, (wasn't even pandemic related although that didn't help!) and 2023 has been the worst of all of them, to put it mildly.

So... it's been nearly four years now of grief, loss, problems with my own physical health and mental health and the health of some close loved ones. It's been relentless and still is, with my dad still having complications and a rough time with chemo. (it's actually taken me so long to write this that he is now finally finished with the chemo... touch wood and cross everything for remission only from this point. He is only 60 years old)

Being A Functioning Human

I don't want anyone to worry, I am ok in my day to day life and functioning through the essentials, but that is only because I have taken a step back from all the filming and editing and social media promo etc and taken the pressure off myself, and I am very lucky to have the sweetest and most amazing, supportive people around me.

I may not have any crumbs of myself available to dedicate to WAM the way I hoped to do it/get back to, but please don't worry, I am not in any critical or emergency spiral, but it's only because through experience (sadly) I know where to draw the line, focus on essential matters only and avoid taking on more than I can handle.

My Vague Plan

While things were still manageable earlier this year, I got a decent amount of amazing and fun, silly and sexy footage and pics done with the lovely Aston. I had hoped to film again soon with a different model or two so that I could release a variety of scenes with different models rather than it all being just Aston scene after scene. Gorgeous and fun though she is, I love my variety.

However, as I still feel unable to do that additional filming just yet, I'm just going to go ahead and edit and release my Aston scenes. I'll try to go a little slower with it than usual and try to make it last while I hopefully get myself back together. (I tend to get too excited to show you the amazingness and release too much too fast!)

As well as releasing my content featuring Aston, I will also be working on some other projects including writing about sploshing, and working on the project I mentioned a while ago to do with mental health, shame etc (especially within the wam community)

During this time I will not be 'around' much, meaning I still won't be posting much on umd forums or twitter or insta, any blog/social media posts will likely be scheduled, and I will only sporadically be keeping half an eye on my email for anything absolutely vital.

I have no idea of a time frame on this, it will just be for as long as possible, and/or as long as needed to keep the pressure off, hopefully begin healing, and start heading towards my WAM dreams again (and to be able to write and create the things I desperately want to write and finish)

Customer Service

I can't respond to many messages right now, so please if any of you experience a tech issue with downloads, the download stores (Candygirls, Candyguys and Wamstructions) or any problems with subscriptions or payments, please contact Derek (Messmaster) on UMD as he deals with all the tech and payments side of things, and he's really helpful with any problems like that. Here is a contact form, and there are some FAQ's on that page that might help you.

Take care of yourselves and thanks again for everything. Once I'm properly back, I want to have built a strong enough foundation to allow me to stay that way. I also hope that maybe life will stop gut punching me - we can hope eh?

Wish me luck, and I hope you enjoy the wonderful Aston scenes in the meantime. I might manage a compilation or two and/or some bloopers as well (no promises but we'll see!)

(There will be new Aston video scenes as well but for now there should be two new photosets from earlier matching video scenes)

I'll 'see' you soon as I can,

Lots of love, Candy xx

silly raccoon meme with text that says I put the fun in dysfunctional

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4 comentarios

Alan Dyer
Alan Dyer
26 nov 2023

Too long since I was last in contact. Very best wishes to you from me.


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18 nov 2023

Manny **hugs** and look after yourself. Everything else is secondary.

Me gusta

18 nov 2023

As always, Candy, even in the darkest moments, you inspire.

Massive love to you, stick in. Xxx

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Mark Short
Mark Short
18 nov 2023

Take your time and come back when you are ready. Everyone is wishing you to return as you are one hell of a legend and a lovely person too but only when you are ready to. Chemo or any cancer treatment is tough. My mum had a long while having immunotherapy for her cancer. Luckily shes got the all clear for now and they check her out every 6 months. Its tough on not only the person who is receiving any treatment for cancer but for friends and family. Take care Candy and hope to see you back but only when you are ready

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